You're doing a MARVELOUS job at life

Hello friends,

It's that time of year. A time where many of us oscillate between seemingly opposing states and experiences. One minute we're happy because we have time off work, the next we're stressed out because of family. One minute we're happy to be celebrating with friends, the next minute we're overwhelmed with commitments and stimulation.

For some of us there is joy, connection and festive-ness during the holidays, but there's also stress, loneliness and overwhelm. It's a time when society demands more of us, despite the fact that days are shorter and colder and our bodies crave more rest and comfort.

Which is why I have one primary purpose for writing this post:

To assure you that, whatever is going on in your life, you are doing a WAAAYYY better job than you think you are.

Because I understand how people work, I know that you are not fully aware of just how much you're doing on a regular basis, how much you're accomplishing, and how you're actually much closer to your goals than you think you are.

If you really took stock of how much you process, hold and complete in a week, your brain would explode 

Not only do you manage to wake up, get ready and make yourself presentable to the world (which- as someone who has experienced depression, does NOT take this for granted), but you also meet your responsibilities, keep shit clean, pay bills, take care of your body, plan appointments, meet deadlines, and and and...

You also manage to take care of others, not be an asshole to strangers when you easily could be, navigate tricky situations and are thoughtful about your loved ones in complex and sophisticated ways.

AND- if you are here with me on this blog- chances are you're also pondering the nature of reality, healing old wounds, fighting systemic oppression, experiencing altered states of reality, and tending to your soul on a regular basis 

That's a lot.

If you took a moment to take stock, you might see that you're actually already doing what you've set out to do. If you saw yourself clearly, not only would be you feel proud and amazed, it would also illuminate how often lack/worry/doubt distort the truth of your reality.

You'd see that you're not giving yourself NEARLY enough credit, because the mind is trained to believe that everything is a problem to be solve. This unconscious habit pattern of the mind is what drives our insane world, and most of us (myself included) fall into the trap.

However, sometimes, seeing something clearly can be enough to help us stop our foolishness.

So to really integrate this, I want you to pinpoint 3 things you're doing right, or 3 things that are actually going better than you realized, or 3 ways you're ALREADY doing a great job- despite all your worrying- and write them down.

Take anything that you are currently working towards or feel stressed out about and ask yourself, could it be that I'm actually doing a better job than I think I am? How might I actually be killing it at life in ways that I don't even see?

Once you've got this, send me a message and share your takeaways with me. I'd love to witness and celebrate with you, to help you cultivate a higher energy of self-acknowledgement (seeing yourself clearly), release and personal power.

I want you to know- I see you.

It's time you see yourself.

In care and warmth,
