What your liberation looks, feels & tastes like
Yesterday I sent out a yummy, delicious email all about liberation. I want to offer a few concrete examples of what this freedom can look like in your everyday life.
Some of these you will be familiar with. Some of these may be soul lessons that you're meant to spend some time with.
All of these are examples of ways you are capable of accessing and embodying, and much, much more. More than your logical mind can comprehend.
Examples of liberation in your everyday life.
When you are no longer concerned about what other people think. Not from a rebellious place of “fuck you, I don’t care” which is actually the opposite of freedom. But TRUE liberation, which comes from being so connected to yourSelf, your inner guidance and knowing who you are, that caring about what other people think organically drops from your consciousness because a non-issue. Instead, you enter into a state of innocent play, where you get to express and create the way you did when you were a child
When you heal your relationship with time, productivity, past and future (stories include: fear of getting old or idealizing the past, feeling like "there's never enough time, feeling bad for not being more productive yadda yadda yadda). Liberation is when you get to use your time the way you choose to, free of guilt/scarcity/worry. This comes from freeing ourselves from capitalistic conditioning, needing to prove your worth, and knowing how access the gifts of the present moment. You can literally ask your body and your soul what you want to do, and then do it, and live an even MORE effective, meaningful life. You can actually move slower AND be more efficient. Imagine that!
When you are able to consciously choose a more empowered response, in an area you would normally compulsively react. Examples include: When fuck-boy texts you at 12pm again, and you block him instead of answering his texts. When you're able to confidently put your phone on airplane mode when normally you'd be scrolling in your brothers, girlfriends, little sisters meme account until 1:00am. When instead of getting in the same argument with your partner, you actually decide to sit down and listen to each other instead of yelling. This is freedom and it feels OH SO GOOD!
When you are free from FEAR! All fear points to falsehood somewhere. I don't think I need to expound on this one too much, as I am sure you are painfully familiar with all ways fear unnecessarily constricts, distorts and limits your life. In my experience, Rumi had it right when he wrote, “When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth.”
When you take authentic, aligned action, which means you don’t do things from a place of people-pleasing, should, guilt, insecurity, scarcity, or force. All of this is just a weird push-pull of your energy that drains you and distorts your frequency. Instead, everything you do is from a place of integrity, choice and awareness. None of your energy is leaking, and you feel really good/clear about who you are and how you Be. This is sovereignty, babbyyyyy.
When you’re not afraid to feel your deepest feelings, especially the hard ones (shame, rage, grief, hysteria) because you trust your ability to hold space for the whole human experience. When you are not afraid to feel your shit, you're no longer afraid of yourself. This, my friends, is like a deep well of freedom that nourishes everyone around you.
When you are free from things that trigger you (I did a whole video on this a few days ago that you can watch here). Examples include: your family, childhood friends, people in the internet, ex partners, old memories, certain language, certain behaviours other people have etc. When you can be present with things that used to trigger you and find yourself in a place of neutrality or gratitude, you iz free, my friend.
When trauma-based behaviour no longer dictates and affects your quality of life. Ie. Fear of intimacy/vulnerability, self-sabotage, compulsive behaviour, overspending/underspending, fear of failure, neediness, hypervigilance, fear of being alone (this list is endless because we’re all nuanced and come with our own wounds, but these are just a few of the things I have helped me clients with)
You are free when the external no longer dictates the internal but rather your internal creates, attracts and dictates your external world. As within, so without.
This is the liberation I believe we are all capable and deserving of. I believe that those who seek earnestly, find.
In devotion to collective liberation,