I got 1,000x more out of this program than what I signed up for.

“I got 1,000x more out of this program than what I signed up for.”

“Eva walked with me through the start of a life-sized transition. I got this dream job and I was feeling a lot of anxiety and imposter syndrome. I had fear of the spotlight, a fear that I'm not going to able to do it or I'm not good enough. She heard all of my fears and sat with me through a lot of tears.  Then she was able to really simplify things and help me focus on what was most important. The best way I can describe it is that, in all of our voice exchanges and 1:1 coaching sessions, Eva herself did for me what meditation does- she brought me back to my center and myself.” - S.B. Brooklyn, NY

“If you’re thinking about signing up with Eva, just do it. It will change you forever!”

“If you’re thinking about signing up with Eva, just do it. It will change you forever!”

After years of thinking that I was “accepting” things, Eva helped me to understand that I was actually “escaping” or fighting! She has showed me how to practice “surrender” instead. As soon as I truly understood this, a lot of things suddenly made sense to me! I believe that this has already helped me to become less anxious, more able to control my anxiety and worries, and has helped me to accept my diagnosis of chronic illness.

If you’re thinking about signing up with Eva, just do it. It will change you forever! It will help you in lots of ways that you would not expect. Working with Eva is like talking to a kind, thoughtful friend every day, who just happens to be an expert in what she does. She will not judge or pressure you, but will help you to work out how to use meditation to improve your life and develop yourself.” E.G. London U.K.

“Eva helped me move through mountains of stuff in a short period of time.”

“Eva helped me move through mountains of stuff in a short period of time.”

“We all benefit from emotional and spiritual support as we cultivate and deepen our practice of meditation, and I couldn’t imagine a better person to provide that support than Eva. She’s gentle and honest and brings this beautiful spirit of compassion and loving-kindness to every interaction. And you held me accountable without bringing an ounce of shame or guilt into the situation, which is such a lovely model for the spirit of mediation (and the spirit of being a human!). This program was such a gift and I am deeply grateful.” - K.C. Boston, MA

"I love to meditate. Even as I write that I can’t believe I’m saying it!"

“I really do love to meditate.  Even as I write that I can’t believe I’m saying it!

And I am seeing my meditation in my everyday life by bringing that sort of thinking and a lot of the stuff we talked about [in our sessions] into my days. When I was having stressful moments, I could consciously remember that no matter what, I could get back to my meditation, that present moment. Meditation really does help with all that stuff. I remembered that meditation is one of the simplest yet one of the most powerful “tools” I have for dealing with the nitty-gritty of my days. And not doing it alone was a big accomplishment and positive outcome for me.” S.B. NYC, New York

Eva is freaking amazing! Hire her RIGHT NOW!!!

“If you have stress and anxiety and think meditation can help you with that, but you struggle with consistency, Eva definitely is your ideal coach!”

“Eva is freaking amazing! Hire her RIGHT NOW!!! You are only going to know about coaches once you sign-up for one, and Eva is definitely one of the best coaches that I have had (and yes I had some terrible coaches in the past as well). If you have stress and anxiety and think meditation can help you with that, but you struggle with consistency, Eva definitely is your ideal coach!” - S.E., Karachi, Pakistan

Meditation has helped me with what sometimes feels like bottomless fear.

“Meditation has helped me with what sometimes feels like bottomless fear.”

“Meditation has helped me with what sometimes feels like bottomless fear. It not only provides a ground, it opens up a door and brings freedom. It's helped me remember who I am outside of my obligations, job, material things. It reminds me of who I am. It brings me back in my own body. It brings you back to the most essential part of who you are. I don’t mean to be cliche, [but if you're thinking about signing up for a program with Eva, but aren't sure]….JUST DO IT.  I’m so glad I did it and I can’t think of anyone who’s interested in meditation who wouldn’t benefit [from this program].” - L.S. Los Angeles, CA

“Working with Eva has changed my life.”

“Working with Eva has changed my life.”

“I feel so much more empowered and less anxious than I used to.  Before, I felt unhappy and incomplete, unsure of my life choices and was having a tough time at work. Eva has awakened parts of me that I never knew existed, and defined parts of me that were always there. She taught me things about myself that I will remember for the rest of my life.” J.M. Philadelphia, PA