How to work with triggers in a powerful way

In celebration of SANCTUARY, my new mastermind program, I will be posting a series of videos discussing the recurring patterns and dynamics I see that keep people stuck in suffering, and offer an alternative that I hope will lead you to more peace and awakening.

This first topic is one I feel a great deal of passion for, because the truth is, your triggers can set you freeeeee.

Triggers are actually just little sign posts that lovingly (or annoyingly 😛) show you where you are not yet free (key word here being yet 🏄‍♀️).

Here are some examples of things you you may not consider a trigger, yet force you to react in a way that makes you feel bunged up or unaligned within:

  • Anything you are judgmental about

  • Anything you roll your eyes at

  • A word someone uses that annoys you or makes you uncomfortable

  • Jealousy

  • A location/place

  • Something someone says/does

  • And more obviously, a certain person or situation

In this video, I discuss:
🌱 How to work with your triggers in a powerful way
🚪Why, when approached this way, your triggers will become a portal to your liberation

Click below to watch the vid:

In love,


P.S. The start date of Sanctuary has been moved to February due to changes in my schedule. This gives you more time to apply, so if you've been on the fence, here's your chance to step up and step in 🌕