Hi, I'm Eva.
I work with curious, passionate spiritual seekers who are ready to experience inner-peace and clear seeing through a deep exploration of the Self, the mind and the heart.
I help you experience the kind of internal transformation that is real, practical and profound, and ripples out to every aspect of your life.

The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some super-human accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that almost paradoxically is essentially you, and yet, is much greater than you.
- Eckhart Tolle
What People are saying
This program is for anyone with an open mind who feels stuck and generally unfulfilled or like something is missing from their life. I would recommend this program for anyone who is busy either with career, family, or both. If you’ve ever felt like you aren’t good enough, that you don’t measure up, that you can’t do it all, this is a program for you. If you lack clarity with your goals and intentions or even if you have big goals and feel completely overwhelmed about how you will achieve them, you NEED this program. Working with Eva has allowed me to show up for myself in a way I never thought possible, I have gotten back into touch with who I am and what I want and that has snowballed into achieving more in every single area of my life.
I haven't shut up about Eva for some time. She's been my coach for awhile now, and has been instrumental in helping me clarify my intentions and not punk out on myself. Pursuing acting? Moving to Austin? Self-compassion and seeking softness in the middle of some hard shit? Eva Eva Eva. In a world of posturing and buzz words, Eva (and her business) is someone I wholeheartedly believe in, and I think once you meet her, you will too.
At first, I pushed off working with Eva because I did not think I could afford it financially. I really liked her vibe on Instagram and was very intrigued by her coaching approach, but I did not know if my mental state was bad enough to pay for the program. I can say now that this program was worth every penny. It went above and my expectations, really a self-investment. Eva has shown me new perspectives that have really helped me grow, as well as bring me peace and grounding. I feel like I’ve learned so much. What started as a focus on my family dynamics, changed to a broad scope over my entire life. Eva would take a specific issue and help me realize where else in life, and in myself, it shows up to find patterns. I’ve learned how to deal with recurring thoughts and address them, instead of pushing them back into my unconscious. I’ve learned how to separate myself from my thoughts instead of being consumed by them, and that was huge for me! I’ve learned how to be kinder to myself and find validation in myself, instead of looking to others for it. All things I will continue to practice.
My closed-minded ideas around coaching and meditation have been completely blown up. Eva’s form of coaching isn’t based on feeling energy from crystals. It’s more about learning how we can change our own lives by understanding how we react to everything going on around us. It taught me to accept myself with curiosity and love, while also teaching me skills to handle fear and shame. I’ve taken the lessons I’ve learned about mindset work and applied it to my everyday life. It has helped me remove myself from the situation, stop taking everything personally, and be able respond to real life situations in a way that feels more inline with who I really am. I’ve already recommended you to several of my friends :) You’ve completely changed my mind about how I think about coaching and helped me understand myself in a way that makes me more confident to walk out the door everyday. I feel more accepting of who I am and more astutely aware of my thoughts. You’ve helped me make an enormous leap from being a victim of my thoughts to being a master of my thoughts. This small change has made all the difference.
Before working with Eva, I was never able to slow down, and I was always tired. Working with Eva has helped me let things go, whereas before I was a very tightly wound, anxious individual. Now, I understand that things happen and I trust myself to make the right decision at the time based on what I need. I feel more optimistic about my future because when I take care of myself, I’m actually less stressed at work. This means I do a better job, and I’m less likely to lose my shit on unsuspecting employees for nothing.
My mindset is different. [Before] I didn't give myself any credit, and it made me feel like I wasn’t getting anything done. I think I was so scared of becoming narcissistic, but now it feels good to acknowledge myself because I feel more true to myself. Instead, I do what I can to the best of my ability, but I also live my life. I’ve learned to prioritize myself, but also prioritize things at work and in life in general. I focus on myself more, because with Eva’s help, I realized that I am not my job. I am my only self, and I deserve to enjoy my life.
If you’re looking for a genuine coach who is willing to invest in learning about you, is able to show compassion and make you feel seen, but someone who also challenges your thoughts and actions that haven’t previously served you in order to truly help you become the best version of yourself, Eva is your answer. If you struggle to make time for yourself, struggle with a negative mindset, lack clarity in what you want in life, Eva can and will help you get back on track. I felt an immediate connection and trust in Eva and I’m so thankful I took this chance to work with her, I feel lucky and blessed for the experience.